January Luncheon

January 19, 2023

Human Trafficking – In Plain Sight

Garden Gate Ranch is a restoration home for female survivors of sex trafficking who are pregnant or have small children under age 5. Those served by
GGR receive love, support, and tools they may not have received previously.
GGR helps the women take ownership of their own success as they help define what success means for them. A big question people often have is, “What
circumstances lead a women to end up in trafficking?” This presentation will
provide general context around how trafficking happens, and how it continues, in plain sight.


Barb Ranck is a committed wife, mother, and encourager. She grew up in rural Iowa, graduating from UNI with a degree in secondary education, and later
earning a Master’s in adult learning and performance from Drake. For over 23
years, Barb channeled her education and expertise into training employees
and leaders in the companies for which she worked, one of which was a Fortune 500 financial services company headquartered in Des Moines. Barb’s
journey led her to pursue a second career, starting her own company offering
professional development and personal coaching for organizations and individuals. Barb also shares her services and wisdom with GGR’s residents and
staff, inviting them to find joy in their own courageous journeys.

Register by 5 p.m. Monday, January 16:

January Luncheon