Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping

Join us on November 14th from 4:00 – 6:00pm.

Help gift wrap some holiday cheer for Amanda the Panda and Every Step Hospice. We are limited to five people to attend. First five registered will attend. If
you would like to be an alternate in the event someone has to cancel, please register HERE

Marla Bundy will communicate with the participants all details.

Cheer Box Program For those that have lost a loved one, the holidays can be especially difficult. Cheer Boxes are a holiday box of family-friendly gifts that go out to all families that have felt the pain of losing a loved one. During the holiday season, we want to remind them that they have our support and care. EveryStep Grief & Loss Services hopes to provide Cheer Boxes to hundreds of families each holiday season.

Questions? Contact Marla at