2019 June Monthly Lunch Meeting

2019 June Monthly Lunch Meeting

Professional Development Lunch Meeting
Kathy Schooley — Your Development is Just a Click Away— Navigating Community Connections!

Are you looking to grow and develop yourself? Do you need recertification credits for a certification or designation? Have you ever wondered if ABWA’s on-line APEX courses could be a resource for you? Look no more! Our own Kathy Schooley will be our speaker in June, where she will explore our access to Community Connections, show us how easy it is to take the APEX courses, and even have us all participate in one of the courses. There are plenty of resources/courses as part of your ABWA membership that are right at our fingertips! If you want to follow along on- line (and get credit yourself), feel free to bring your laptop, tablet, or iPad.

Please submit your RSVP by 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 17. We charge for reservations not cancelled before the RSVP date. We request payment at the door, $25 or $26 if using a card. Please indicate in your RSVP if you require one of these specific dietary requirements and we will be sure to accommodate your requests (vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free). Questions, please contact Miki Weber at 515-252-2391 or mweber@orchestrate-mgmt.com

11:30 – 1pm

June 20 , 2019

Hilton Garden Inn

Johnston, Ia
